Genre: Puzzle
- Platform: Android
- Hours logged: 3.0
- Playthroughs: 0
- Rating: --/10
- Lee (6/28/2015): Oh shit yeah. Very clever. Blek is a great game! I was traveling again this weekend, and I once again, I needed to kill several hours on the train, in the airport, and on the plane. Much like last weekend's Box Cat/Flappy Golf combo, I found a game that didn't appeal to me (2-bit Cowboy), and then Blek, which definitely did.
Blek starts out with very little instruction. You kind of just have to figure it out. The first puzzle is simple, once you know what you are supposed to do. The goal is to make a pattern with your finger that will repeat end to end, in an attempt to take out the colored dots without touching any black dots. That much is easy enough to figure out, but the rest, I'll let you learn for yourself, as that is the fun and rewarding part! Most of the puzzles started out as head-scratchers, but after studying the dot patterns and experimenting a bit, the solution usually became clear. Within a few hours, I was able to complete the first 55 puzzles. I understood how to do #56, but it took several tries to get the timing just right. I had to cheat on puzzle 57 by looking up the solution online though. (Once again, I had the right approach, but I couldn't get my timing just right.) Puzzles 58-60 are just silly. Perhaps I burned myself out on pushing through every Flappy Golf level last week, but for this game, I just don't feel like grinding the last few puzzles to log the playthrough. Had I done so, this game would easily have gotten an 8 from me. Go give it a spin!
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