Genre: General
- Platform: Android
- Hours logged: 1.0
- Playthroughs: 0
- Rating: --/10
- Lee (4/7/2014): I have been impressed with many of the games in the Android Humble Bundle packs, including Ridiculous Fishing, Spider, Kingdom Rush, Rymdkapsel, and Zombie Gunship, but this one didn't do anything for me. The premise seemed quirky and full of potential, but after a few rounds of expanding my hotel by haphazardly adding building blocks to it, I decided that the game was pointless. A few months went by, and then I got the urge to give it another chance. Discovering that the weapon blocks didn't generate money was definitely important, but it did very little to increase my excitement for the game. I beat the first set of levels, then got my ass handed to me by a bunch of birds ruthlessly dropping bombs on my hotel. After getting quickly blown up a few times, I tried building a hotel out of gun blocks only (no money generating blocks)...and it worked. What should have been a satisfying troubleshooting success (like the feeling I got each time that I finally selected the right combination of attackers in a Kingdom Rush map), left me only slightly less bored with the game. The next level brought the boredom back with a new combination of blocks and more fucking bomb-dropping birds...or evil, lightning-shooting clouds...or whatever. Uninstalled.
- Shane (4/8/2014): Lee kicked this game in the teeth a bit. I would love to continue the assault on it's character and personality...but I didn't care enough about it to put forth that kind of effort right now. I would LOVE to hear from the developers on what they were up to here and I don't mean to insult anyone who worked on this project... but I really had no reason to care about this one.
- Lee (4/9/2014): Thanks, Shane. I will admit to being a bit pissy a couple days ago when I wrote the initial post. In all fairness, I remembered (too late) the game being referenced somewhere as a rhythm game. Since I usually play these games with the volume off, I didn't get to experience that aspect. Perhaps someday when I have a bit more patience, I'll install it again and see if the music and game sounds add a dose of awesomeness to the gameplay experience...but I probably won't.
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