Genre: General
- Platform: Android
- Hours logged: 25.0
- Playthroughs: 0
- Rating: 6/10
- Shane (5/6/2014): I had a weekend. I burned it into this game. I am not sorry.
So it was Friday evening and I was surfing around on Twitter after I remembered that I set up a twitter account a number of years ago. Wil Wheaton was talking about being involved in a video game. "Interesting" I thought... I like Wil Wheaton and I like video games. Do I dare install this thing and maybe end up being disappointed by something to which Wil has attached his name? Well I was sitting on the throne and figured I was going to be there for a few minutes so... why not?
This is one of the category of games that start with a lot of stuff for a user to do. I could occupy myself pretty much constantly for a few hours, setting something to upgrade and waiting the 30 seconds to a minute and a half or so that it took it to update before I could do something else. (Damn you farmville style mechanics... I resisted thinking about this until now. The hours I sunk into that wasteland back in the day...) Things carried along rapidly enough and it seemed that everything I did was in one way or another associated with a "quest" that I was supposed to accomplish. Pretty cool really. The game is set up to reward you for fucking everything. I had to scratch my ass and half expected to see a little "quest completed" dialog pop up.
A light storyline followed me along my journey. Something about dragons and Atlantis and I should come up with jobs for all of these migrant peasants. I trolled along (like the fishing kind, not the "being a dick on the internet" kind) and was actually kind of proud of myself for accomplishing as much as I was. I was even relaxed. I suppose that is one of the better side effects of a good game.
Pretty soon I realized it was taking longer to complete the tasks offered me. I thought about a game with a similar mechanic that I heard about and ever-so-slightly wanted to play. When I set up a task in Dragons that took an hour I installed Dungeon Keeper and played through the introductory rapid reward stuff there at the same time. I then had TWO games patting me on the back for doing simple things! I loved it!
You know what? There isn't anything profound here. I did a bunch of this game. I loved it. I can even see myself leaving it installed and dinking around in this world on occasion, for a few seconds, before I go back to whatever else I was working on. Would I recommend it to someone else? Meh. No, not really. I felt more positively about it than Dungeon Keeper but it still feels like just another entry in a sea of similar gameplay systems. At least with Dungeon Keeper I could recognize the sprites as something from my childhood.
Devs, thanks for this game. It was worth my time and I tossed you a couple bucks to support your efforts. And that is about all I have to say about that.
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