Thursday, May 1, 2014


Year: 2013
Genre: Puzzle

  • Platform: Android
  • Hours logged: 5.0
  • Playthroughs: 0
  • Rating: --/10

Notes and Discussions:
  • Lee (5/1/2014): When I first started playing Hundreds, I felt that the game was unique, very clever, and had a lot of potential. I definitely sucked me in, and over the next two days, I dumped five hours into solving as many of the 100 puzzles as I could. When I found one that I couldn't beat after a few attempts, I would skip it and move on to the next one. After trying all 100 puzzles, I went back and completed several of the ones that I had skipped. I got pretty damn lucky on some of them, but a few of the others completely stumped me. Level 89 was one of them. A Google search yielded several others venting their frustrations with that puzzle, including one comment saying: “Level 89 will be the death of me.” Some people suggested playing the game on a tablet, since the dots on the phone can be too small to precisely and successfully manipulate with fat fingers. I didn't feel like grinding this game to completion, so I opted to walk away a mostly satisfied customer. In the end, I think that I solved 88 puzzles out of 100.

    Our video game project guidelines dictate that we cannot rate a game unless we log 10 hours of gameplay or make it to “the end” of the game. Since I only played five hours, and I wasn't able to beat all of the puzzles, it didn't feel right to log a playthrough, and thus rate the game. But if I were to assign a rating to it, it would be a solid 7. I’m starting to see that for these Android games, the more successful they are at extracting gameplay time from me AND delivering a satisfying ending, the higher the rating I will give. This may seem obvious, but in looking at the Android gameplay data that I have collected so far, the two games that have scored 9s were also the ones that I played the most (Kingdom Rush: 21.0 hours, Zombie Gunship: 17.0 hours). The 8s have less time logged (Ridiculous Fishing: 12.5 hours, Rymdkapsel: 9.0 hours, Spider: 8.5 hours, Gemini Rue: 8.0 hours). And the 7s have even less (Bridge Constructor: 8.0 hours, Solar 2: 5.0 hours, Jack Lumber: 4.5 hours). Fascinating. Yes, I’m a huge nerd.

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