Friday, May 2, 2014


Year: 2011
Genre: Puzzle

  • Platform: Android
  • Hours logged: 2.5
  • Playthroughs: --
  • Rating: --/10

Notes and Discussions:
  • Lee (5/2/2014): I tend to enjoy puzzle games, and I get pretty excited about words, so I felt that SpellTower held a lot of potential. But for whatever reason, I didn't get sucked into it for very long. I enjoyed the Boggle-like search for words (BTW, I love this), and the rare time that I was able to link a Z, Q, X, or J, it was satisfying to see an entire line get blown away. I felt pretty clever whenever that happened. However, despite the fact that this game tickled my noodle, I still got bored with it after a few hours.

    A couple months went by, and in preparation for writing this review, I reloaded the game in order to grab a screenshot. After taking a pretty glorious screenshot (IMO), I found that I wasn't ready to put the game down yet, and I ended up playing a few extra rounds.

    Once again, our project guidelines dictate that I cannot record a rating for this game, since I neither logged any sort of playthrough, nor played the game for the requisite 10 hours, but I feel that it would have landed somewhere around a 6.5 rounded up.

    SpellTower reminds me of Scrabble. But unlike SpellTower, Scrabble stresses me out. I get very worked up and extremely competitive. This is a weird thing for me. I love playing tabletop games, and I truly have no issue with losing most games. I love the interaction with others at the gaming table, and I get tremendous enjoyment out of watching the gameplay unfold in clever and unique ways. Except for Scrabble. And chess. I know that my history with chess is to blame for this. I spent several years in high school studying chess openings and practicing my endgame strategies. I played with the pros at Borders Books on Monday nights, and I took what I learned there and used it against my friends and the weirdos that collected for Chess Club in the Eagle High School Geometry classroom at lunch time. I was the Chess Club founder, president, and often the ladder leader. (Side note: We had only one Chess Club tournament. There was even a trophy. I didn't win it. Shane, do you still have that trophy somewhere?? You dick.) Then I quit playing. I couldn't handle the stress. I discovered that Scrabble causes me the same issues. Over the decade since high school, I have played a handful of games of chess (and Scrabble), and the stress came back every time. I've decided that I need to fix that shit. I miss both of those games. Random thought vomiting over.

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