Genre: General
- Platform: Android
- Hours logged: 14.5
- Playthroughs: 0
- Rating: 7/10
- Lee (5/21/2015): It has been four days shy of HALF OF A YEAR since the last time I made a blog post here. It's not as though I haven't been playing video games...I just haven't felt like writing about them. I think that I got too wrapped up in it, then I got overwhelmed by the expectations that I had made for myself that these blog posts be AMAZING, when I really should have just been keeping them simple and fun. So that's what I'm here to do once again. Getting behind sucks, but to be honest, I am kind of excited about it, since now I get to go back and replay parts of a pile of games as I play catch up. Over the next several weeks, you can expect to see blog posts from me for several of these games: Morrowind, Dungeon Defenders, Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto III, Borderlands 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Clash of Clans, and Summoners War.
Let's talk briefly about LYNE. It's a pretty good game. Simple, clever, engaging, and equal parts rewarding and aggravating. The premise of the game is to draw a line from each color's start/end point to its other start/end point, while passing through every block of that color in the puzzle. The grey blocks serve as junctions where lines of different colors may meet or cross. Many of the puzzles have multiple possible solutions, which you can arrive at using a combination of logical reasoning and trial-and-error. The puzzles are grouped into sets of 25, and each set is denoted by a letter of the alphabet. In addition to the main puzzle sets (A-Z), there are two Daily puzzle sets available each day. Each time you complete a puzzle set, you are awarded a number of points based upon the difficulty of the set.
I was amused by LYNE for several days, but then the colossal beast that is Summoners War swallowed my life. Before my interest in this game went away, I did manage to complete puzzle "M25", and I earned a total of 49 points. I tried to pick it up again today, but I got bored after only making it to puzzle "N3". I guess I can shelve this one.
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